Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

Hospitality Re-Defined: The Happiest Place in the World

By Dale Dyck

I know what you're probably expecting, based on that headline, but no, this is not a story about Disneyland or Disney World - but admittedly this is my pre-Christmas "feel good" article.
Granted, that Walt Disney was no dummy, and most people, if asked, would say that Disneyland or Disney World are the happiest places on earth.
I'm not here to try and argue the point - Disneyland and Disney World are unique products with unprecedented levels of success.
However, for me, my personal happy place is a Hotel, most any full-service Hotel in most any major city around the world.
I love everything thing about a Hotel, and it makes me happy, instantly I might add, to step inside of a busy full-service Hotel and come face-to-face with everything that makes for a great Hotel experience.
I've known for a very long time now that I was destined to work in the Hospitality business, and specifically, in Hotels, and that point is never clearer to me than when I walk into a Hotel that I have not been in before for the first time.
I can feel a warm smile cross my face and I have an almost overwhelming sensation that I am home again, no matter where I might actually be in the world. 
At that point, I become aware of the cleanliness of the lobby, the attention to detail in the layout, the furnishings, all things physical.
Simultaneously, I become aware of the many conversations taking place, between staff and guests, guest to guest, and amongst the staff.
There is a steady and consistent buzz in the lobby as everyone is set on their individual course, they all have their own priorities, and for the most part, all are indifferent to the activities and conversations of the other groups, but it all works.
To the lay person it must look like controlled chaos at times, but I see it for what it is; a symphony, where everyone in the orchestra knows their respective part and instinctively goes about their tasks with a harmony and efficiency that is rarely seen in other business environments.
A Hotel is a truly special place.
And the only thing that makes me happier than being in a Hotel that creates that positive environment that you sense as soon as you cross the threshold, is being the "orchestra leader" in that scenario.
I'm always so proud of my team when I can see them in action, sense their confidence as they each do what they do and know best, and support each other in pursuit of a common goal - to create consistently exceptional guest experiences, different, special and unique to each and every guest that we have the privilege to come in contact with, but exceptional nonetheless.
It may not be Disneyland, but Disneyland is not for everyone.  
Everyone should be so lucky as to find their true calling - to live their dream.  
It reminds me of a great quote that I was recently exposed to - regrettably I do not know the author.
"A person who is a master in the art of living makes little distinction between their work and their play, their labour and their leisure, their mind and their body, their education and their recreation, their love and their religion.  They hardly know which is which and simply pursue their vision of excellence and grace, whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing.  To them, they are always doing both."
When you do what you love, you do not think of it as "work." 
Reprinted with permission, Dale Dyck.

About Dale Dyck 
Dale Dyck
A dynamic natural leader who provides a balanced approach to results, ensuring the maximization of ALL of the pillars of a successful operation, with equal emphasis on strong Financial Results, Exceptional Guest Service and Guest Loyalty, and Employee Engagement.