Mittwoch, 30. September 2009

Erfolgreiches E-mail marketing für Hotels

This article describes concrete examples of how hotels are using e-mail marketing to make money. We will look at ways your hotel can use email, how to build your list and create a campaign, benchmarks for testing, and finally some case studies of other hotels.
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Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

How to deal with negative feedback

The majority of travelers (50 percent) indicated that traveler reviews on online travel agencies were slightly to very influential in travel planning. However, this means that sites such as Expedia, Travelocity and Orbitz hold more weight with online shoppers than traveler review sites (33 percent), such as TripAdvisor (owned by Expedia) and TravelPost.
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Mittwoch, 23. September 2009

Be awesome!

Hotels sollen nicht innovativ sein, sondern von ihren Gästen als grossartig empfunden werden.
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Billigflieger und Budget-Hotels für Manager

Die deutschen Unternehmen haben ihre Reisebudgets drastisch heruntergefahren. Welche Anbieter das am stärksten trifft und warum sich viele Manager auch nach der Krise auf Billigflieger und Budget-Hotel einstellen müssen.
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